Fundraising with buttons - Wanna get involved?

 The number of wars, natural disasters, man-made disasters and catastrophies seem to be accelerating.  Sometimes watching a strangers agony or the agony of a nation or a people becomes too much and we decide to help. 

Right now, as I write, one could be fundraising for the famine in Somalia, the earthquake, Tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan. Or Haiti, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan.  What about the Arab Spring?  One could be fundraising for support in Syria, Egypt or Tunisia.  Nearer to home there are first nations issues, health issues, water issues. Cancer , multiple schlerosis, disabilities, social justice...... and the list goes on.

How can buttons help!

I have stood at events and demonstrations rattling a tin, asking for cash and it works a little.  People will put their spare change in a tin, after all if they are at the event they support the issue.  But rattling the tin can be frustrating - I only ever did it once.  The next time I made buttons, lots of them, with different slogans.  I tried to make them funny, radical and in your face, then I had some mild one's.  In other words I had buttons for a wide range of people. A few of us walked around with boards of buttons at a rally, yes rattling the tin but with buttons.  Some people took 5 buttons and dropped in a buck, some people took a single button and dropped in $20.  A few hours later we were counting up $750 that we sent to the International Red Cross.  The receipt came back 2 weeks later and I stuck it on the wall.  I got involved and it felt good.  Gone was the hopeless frustration you feel watching the news everyday with no ability to help.

When you design buttons think of longevity

People will always wear your button at the event.  But after your event, the next day, the next week you want your message out there.  If you make great big buttons people will wear it on the day and remove it before they even get on the bus to go home.  Consider that a smaller button is worn for a longer time.  Make your message bold and clear!  In campaigning for awareness around the genocide in Darfur the most successful button just said "DARFUR" big and bold.  I wore this button every day on the subway, on the street, in the store and so many people asked me, " What's Darfur." - and I had my in and I could tell them about it.  It worked.


Tips for good buttons.

A good button is a good design.  Spend time and energy making it simple and striking.  Use high resolution artwork don't just take stuff from the internet, it will be pixelated and impersonal.

Have a range of designs, appeal to different points of view, within the full spectrum of your campaign.

Think about size and shape.  Don't just take your rectangular logo and stick it in a round button.  It probably won't work well.  Redesign your logo in a round design or make rectangular buttons.  There are round, oval and rectangular buttons in 23 sizes.

A good button is recognisable across a room or a subway car. Instant recognition is valuable.  If you see a pink ribbon you know what it represents, the bearer of the ribbon has remiinded you from across the room.

When a person wears your button they become your emissary, your advocate.  Their friends, family, neighbours and community may or may not agree or care but the first step in changing minds is getting them to notice.

Where can I go from here?

You have identified your cause, checkout our premade campaign buttons and see if we have a fit.  Grab a bag and get out there.  That's a good way to try it.  And once you have tried fundraising with buttons you will be back for your own button maker - it works.

You can also GET YOUR URL on one of our fundraising button packs.  If you have chosen a button you would like to use you can place an order for the buttons and then add $15 or 15 minutes of artwork time and we will send you your buttons with your website on it.

Get designing!!  Download a template here and we can make your custom buttons.

Template Page      Custom Button Prices and Ordering

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