versaback snap backs for buttons

Add Versatiltiy to 1" buttons with a Versaback


1 inch button parts, keyring versabacks

1" Button Versabacks

Convert 1" buttons into key chains or zipper pulls using a snap in versaback.  A versa back is a black plastic button part that snaps into the back of a 1" collet and replaces the lock pin.  Once the versa back is inserted it is a permanent and secure back with a 1/8" hole extending out from the back of the button.  Attach split rings, key chains or zipper pulls through the hole to add functionality to your 1" buttons.  

 1 inch button parts, versa back


 Split ring Keyring, Versa-back

Split Ring Keyring with Plastic Tab Versaback. 
(Split Rings are too big for 1" button versabacks and require the use of a plastic tab).


mini split rings, zipper pulls, 1 inch versa-backs

Mini Split Ring and Zipper Pull Versabacks


snap hook keychain versa back, chain keychain

Snap Hook and Chain Keychain Versabacks


** Versabacks are also available for 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" buttons - Happy Button Making!! Versabacks also known as versa-backs, versa backs and snap backs.   Can be available in black or white.


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