Ponytail holders - Make Hair Elastics with your button maker

The great thing about a button maker is that it takes you as far as your imagination goes.  There’s so much you can do with a button maker and this article explains how to make ponytail elastics.

Most people make pin-backs with their button makers but center hole button parts are widely available.  You need centre hole backs and then you need welded up eyes.

shell, mylar, centre hole backWelded up eye close up

Welded up eye - Use with center hole backs to make ponytail elastics.

Once you’ve put your design on a centre hole button with a welded up eye poking out you can loop your hair elastic through the loop of the welded up eye. Bingo!

Hair elastics, ponytail holders

Hair elastics with centre hole button

welded up eye for ponytail elastics

Where can I buy ponytail elastics - Best bet is your local dollar store.

Where can I buy centre hole backs and welded up eyes?  In the US   In Canada

Where can I get further info on how to make stuff with my button maker?  Video’s

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