DIY Project: Mystery Series Pocket Mirrors

We love books around here. We love to read them and normally wouldn't condone taking them apart, but we're going to make an exception with our latest craft project.

The thing is, we have all these great looking books in the shop that we use to make our upcycled notebooks. But the pages inside don't always get to be reused.

Well, we've found the perfect way to salvage some of the pages from old vintage books - Mystery Series Pocket Mirrors!
pocket mirror

If you have some old books or magazines, you can do the same. Parts for mirrors can be purchased on the same page where you order your button supplies.

As with any artwork you put in your button maker, just make sure the pages aren't so thick they will jam your machine. Then cut, press and carry.

And the images from these old books get to tell a story in a whole new way.

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