New product for 1″ Button Makers – Button Jewelery – Artclix Pendants and bracelets with 1″ button art!

A great way to utilize a 1″ button maker to make interchangeable jewelry with FLAT BACK Button parts (sold separately: click for Round or Square).

The Artclix metal pendants and bracelets have a rare earth magnet inside so you can change the design of your bracelet or pendant as often as you change your undies! Or more often, depending on how you roll : ) haha

button pendants and button bracelets

Artclix jewelery for pendants and bracelets with your 1″ button maker.

You can find the bracelets here on People Power Press.  Pendants here.


Artclix Magnetic Button Bracelets

Button bracelets available so you can have interchangeable sets of button designs on a magnetic bracelet button holder.

How do you spell Jewelry Jewellery Jewelery?  No idea!


Syndicated article from The Button GuySyndicated blog from
This article is reprinted with permission.
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