Our First year @ Fan Expo

Button Making, Fan Expo
People Power Press and Button Making in full swing at Toronto's 2013 Fan Expo
Button Making Supplies, Pin-back Button Parts
We brought plenty of Button Making Supplies to the event.  Pin-back Button Parts, Button Makers, Graphic Punches AND Button Vending Machines to show hundreds of Fan Expo attendees how to make buttons.         

fan expo, button maker, graphic punches
Our aim was to inform people of how buttons are made and what shapes and sizes are available.  We brought along many sizes of our Button Making Machines and Graphic Punches for people to try out.
Button Vending Machines, People Power Press
We also brought along our Button Vending Machines.
A Fan Expo attendee giving the Button Vending Machine a whirl.
Erin Cooper, Button Makers, People Power Press
People Power Press Button Makers getting Button Supplies ready to please the masses...
pre-cut circles for button making
Pre-cut Paper Circles ready to be drawn on for Button Making.
button vending machine
Our shop looked great - the button vending machines really spiced things up!
comic artist, fan expo
Comic Artist Mike Gagnon sat in with us drawing people as action heroes.
Button Making, Fan Expo
"I'm really into my work" - Button designing at Fan Expo
people power press, fan expo
Watching an aspiring button designer do his thing.
button making booth
The button-making booth is a smash at Fan Expo.
creative button making
Fan Expo attendees getting creative at the People Power Press booth.
Button Making Machine
One of our button making machines in action. Once this guy is pressed, there's no turning back.
fan expo, people power press
Just another day at the office? A really big office, full of fans, that is.
making buttons, fan expo
People of all ages were having fun making buttons and learning about the Button Making Process.  It was a great success.
Fan Expo 2013 Toronto, People Power Press
We'll see you again next year, Fan Expo!
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