6 Ways Buttons Can Make the Perfect Summer Camp (or Camp Themed) Souvenir!
What says summer like summer camp?
Around here we know Summer is around the corner when we start making custom buttons for summer camps.
1. Custom Camper Buttons Personalized for Each Camper
We make camper buttons for a number of camps each year. Each custom buttons is personalized to include each camper's name and year.
The camp pins can also be printed on coloured paper to identify different groups of campers and staff.
One of our awesome customers is Forest Cliff Camp in London, Ontario area. They make a variety of buttons that are coloured for different years, but also make buttons for campers as awards for things like kindness and friendship.
2. Get a Button Maker to Make Your Own Camp Buttons
Some of our camp customers also like to do the button making themselves and incorporate button making into their camp activities with the kids. Get your own button maker start-up kit and supplies to make buttons all summer long!
Forest Cliff Camp has a 2-1/4" button maker to make buttons that their campers love. They have a few different types of buttons they make:
"[Our] happy camper buttons are given to each camper at the end of the week in our graduation ceremony for overnight summer camp", says day camp director John Burkholder. "The award buttons are given to each camper at our day camp, at the end of the week and they are recognized in our closing ceremony with all the parents."
They also ordered pre-cut circles (see pictured) with their designs to make button making a breeze.
3. Button Making for Hands On Learning
If you are in the Toronto area, you can even hire our Events Team to come and show the campers how to make buttons. We bring all the supplies and machines you need, including custom artwork if necessary.
Want to just have the kids make buttons? That's easy. Or we will work with you to make a tailored button making workshop that ties in what campers are learning about. This is a great activity for day camps and summer programs in the city. Contact us with your event ideas and we'll talk with you about options.
4. Camp Themed Wedding Favours and Decor
Are you a couple who met at summer camp and are now getting married? Or are you a couple that is holding your wedding at a summer camp site? Have fun and include camp themed wedding favours for your special day. This can be done as table settings or place settings that include the camp's logo along with the table number or guests name.
Buttons can be made without the pin for a flat back that can be attached to another surface easily or with a magnet that the guest can then take home as a souvenir. So many options! Just get in touch with our awesome customer service folks to find out more.
5. Nostalgic Camp Buttons for Reunions
Consider having camper buttons for your camp reunion, big or small. Seeing the old camp logo on a button will instantly bring back all those summer camp memories.
Super simple and affordable, but personal, nostalgic camp buttons make fantastic and fun camp reunion souvenirs.
6. Custom Camp Buttons for Donors and Fundraising
If part of your camp's fundraising efforts includes holding a special event like a golf tournament or gala dinner, consider making camper buttons for donors.
Custom camp buttons provide a simple, inexpensive way to thank your donor in a personalized way while also staying on theme. As a donor they get to be honorary campers!