Happy Birthday Canada150: 150th anniversary of Confederation buttons.
Newsflash!! - 6th Jan 2017 - People Power Press is now licensed to put the official Canada150 logo on our buttons and magnets.
Canadians will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017. This will be a busy time for button makers as we make our Canada 150 years buttons.
Go to the Canada150 product page.
As a button maker you should apply to the government to use the official Canada 150 logo. You can get information and permission to use the official Canada150 logo here:
Canada150 official logo design information.
The official Canada150 logo was designed by Ariana Cuvin from Toronto
Social media hashtags are already popping up for Canada150: check out what's tending on #Canada150 and #CBC2017.
The Canada 150 Kick-Off Celebrations in 19 urban centers across the country are coming up! Visit the Celebrate page or the CBC/Radio Canada 2017 Web portal to learn more.
People Power Press has also applied to use the official logo for custom Canada 150 buttons, stickers and labels, check back soon to see what awesome designs we've dreamed up and to score your own Canada 150 swag!