Celebrating Our Favourite Moments in Text on World Book and Copyright Day
Words on the page have the power to take us out of our daily lives and into other fantastic worlds. Other media can excite us too, but books hold a special place here for us and maybe you too.
In honour of World Book and Copyright Day and the corresponding Canada Book Day, both taking place on April 23, we have put some of our favourite book moments onto buttons.
Seeing them again instantly brings the magic of the entire story back. Can you tell what books the passages on the buttons are from? Head over to our Instagram and Facebook pages to leave your guesses. The first to comment with the correct answer gets the button!
We'd also really like to know what you are reading right now! We are always looking for recommendations. Some of our button makers love a good audiobook to keep them company as they press custom button orders!
And of course, if you have a favourite passage from a favourite book, why don't you put it on a button or other custom product like a fridge magnet, coaster, mirror or keychain? So many page-turning possibilities. We'd be happy to help!