Music Buttons for CTRL ROOM

Make More Music! Custom Buttons for CTRL ROOM

People Power Press loves music makers!

We recently had the pleasure of making music buttons for CTRL ROOM, a collective of Beat Makers, Record Label Owners, and DJs based out of the West Toronto Junction!

CTRL ROOM is fully equipped for their artists to jam and record their own music, which makes it possible for them to live out their sole objective: promoting the creation and distribution of quality music by dedicated DJs.

CTRL ROOM, DJ Collective, Electronic Music Buttons, Local Music, Music Buttons, Custom Pinback Buttons by People Power Press,

CTRL ROOM has embraced the custom pinback button as a great, low-cost way to get their message out there! Keep on spreading the message, the music!

Check out CTRL ROOM on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for great pics, sweet events, and awesome tunes :)



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