Creepy Buttons for Creepy Cake Co. March 09 2017

Creepy Custom Buttons, Creepy Cake Co, Custom 1.5" Round Buttons, bakery buttons,

These wonderfully creepy custom buttons are a delicious mix of spooky and sweet, a perfect fit for Creepy Cake Co.

Boasting doom & gloom in every bite, this Niagara Region bakery specializes in baked goods with a distinctly creepy flair.

Creepy Custom Buttons, Creepy Cake Co, Custom 1.5" Round Buttons, bakery buttons,

Creepy Cake Co. jumped on the button band wagon with these creepy custom 1-1/2" Round Pinback Buttons. The size of button works really well with their logo, large enough to read the text no problem, but still small and wearable. Excellent choice Creepy Cake Co!

Now if only making buttons could end with eating frosting right out of the bowl :)



