when people say your name wrong

Hey, It's Lara Not Laura! | Custom Name Buttons Online Store

We are always into what people are doing with their button makers and are especially excited when people are doing something we've never seen before. So when one of our customers, Grade 4 student Lara, launched her online button store Lara Not Laura we got really excited. 


toronto maker kid


Lara Not Laura is an online custom button shop that sells 2-1/4" buttons that tell people how to say your name. So if you have a name that is constantly being mispronounced, this is the shop for you.


The designs are so fun and perfect while letting people know how to say your name correctly. If you are a Lara like the store's creator then you can grab one of those designs and if you have another mispronounced name then you can get one custom made with your name. You can also choose from one of her cool, but kind of angry graphics. 

 lara not laura pins

Here is how Lara describes coming up with the concept for Lara Not Laura:


I thought my name was very simple until so many people including my teachers called me Laura instead of Lara. Even after me and my parents corrected my teachers, they would still call me Laura. Two years ago when I was in Grade 4, I decided to design a t-shirt that had the message, “It’s Lara Not Laura” with a picture of an angry panda. I wore it to school and so many other students related to my problem. But my problem wasn’t just at school – it happened everywhere.


Since I couldn’t wear the same t-shirt everyday, I thought wearing a button would be more practical. The button got a lot of people talking and sharing their stories.


I then decided that I could help others who were as frustrated as I was by making personalized pin-back buttons for them. My dad helped me create a website (https://laranotlaura.ca/) and through my parent's social media and word of mouth, I started to get orders from Canada and the United States.
I mean, here is a simple enough concept that also serves a real practical purpose and solves a problem so easily. Do you love it as much as we do?

 fun name buttons

Since the very recent launch of the online store Lara Not Laura, creator Lara is happy with the results. She loves reading comments on the Share Your Story page in her store. This is the place where customers can share their images easily and comment on the buttons they've ordered. 


And she really wants people seeing the buttons to get what the purpose of the button is. The message is good natured, but Lara really does want everyone to make sure they are saying another person's name properly, "My goal is for everybody to take the time to pronounce people’s names correctly because it’s a big part of who they are."

 how to correct people who mispronounce your name

We love the idea and the buttons and wish Lara so much success! If you need a name button to help people get your name right, then head over to Lara's store and order a pin.
And if you have an idea for a button store, we are always available to talk you through it and get you set up with what you need to get started. You can come visit us in Toronto, Ottawa or Napanee to chat through your needs or you can contact us by email.



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