Political Campaign Buttons for Every Cause in Upcoming Provincial Elections
Election excitement has been filling up the headlines again as Ontario heads into a provincial election in a few months. There has been some added drama surrounding the unexpected resignation of Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown and the need to elect a new leader of the party so close to the main June 7th election.
Whatever stories are filling the newsfeeds, buttons have always played a role in elections.
So as things heat up here in Ontario and will start to intensify in Quebec and New Brunswick - the two other provinces having elections this year - we would like to help you determine how campaign buttons can help your party and causes that are important to you.
We have written an in-depth guide to election buttons here to help you figure out how to make effective campaign buttons. We are always busy making buttons come election time, with experience on the specific design needs of each party. Contact us today if you would like us to make custom election buttons for your campaign or to get you set up with a buttonmaker to make your own!
Beyond Party Lines - The Issues That Matter to You the Citizen
Buttons don't just have to support a specific candidate or party either. There are a load of big issues being discussed this year and buttons can help let people know where you stand while also raising awareness wherever you go.
What is the issue or cause that is important to you in this year's election?
Buttons can be given to supporters to help spread the word by simply pinning it on your jacket or posting a picture on your social media feeds. Campaign buttons are conversation starters, giving people the opportunity to learn more about what matters to you and allowing others to be engaged too.
Make your message clear. You can always expand on your message in conversation, but make sure the issue really stands out in a clear way on your pin. "Affordable Housing NOW!" is much more clear and effective than putting a paragraph or lots of details onto the pin. With more words, the issue can get lost and the button gets a lot less effective. You can include a website so those who want to know more can find out more there.
Make it catchy. Using humour or stating your message in a clever way helps. Think of the best Super Bowl ads and what usually resonates with people. Just think about what you connect with and remember. Use those tactics in designing your own pin.
Use #peoplepowerpin to share your message - and get a button from us!
Follow the #peoplepowerpin hashtag on social media to see what issues matter to others across the country. If you have a button to share or just a topic that is important to you in the upcoming election, please be sure to use #peoplepowerpin.
We want to highlight issues across Canada (and beyond!) so share your issues and if you haven't made that message into a pin, we will do it for you. Just tag #peoplepowerpin with what issue matters to you - we will put in on a pin and send it to you!
We look forward to hearing what matters to you!