Fun Fan Art: Custom Rounded Rectangle Buttons for Doggy-Yasha
Doggy-Yasha is a Winnipeg-based artist who creates awesome fan art as well as original illustrations. We recently made them come custom fan art buttons, and the finished product turned out pretty nice!
These custom fan-art buttons are a unique size and shape which works well with the composition of the designs. The buttons are 1-3/4" x 2-3/4" Rounded Rectangle Pinbacks, a relatively new button size that looks extremely sleek and professional with clean rounded corners. We also make Custom Rounded Rectangle Magnets, a lovely addition to any refrigerator door!
If You Like Fan-Art Buttons, Check This Out:
If the fan-art aspect of this post caught your eye, or if you're interested in making buttons for conventions or fan expos, take a peek at the blog feature "Button Making Business: Convention Tips from a Pro!" It's full of great information about selling buttons at conventions.
Check out more of Doggy-Yasha's work online!
Doggy-Yasha on Tumblr: http://www.yashaart.tumblr.com
Doggy-Yasha on Red Bubble: http://www.redbubble.com/people/doggyyasha
Doggy-Yasha on Instagram: @DoggyYasha