Souvenir Pins for PhotoEd Magazine’s Educators Photography Field Trip May 10 2018

If you’ve been reading this blog you know how we feel about using buttons and button making in education. We love when educators can use a variety of tools to expand learning in the classroom and find ways to take that learning out of the classroom.

So we are digging PhotoED Magazine’s recent exclusive field trip for photography teachers and other educators looking to use photography students including community arts program directors, youth leaders and mentors. The May 6 event introduced a variety of tools and resources for educators to use photography with students.

photoed magazine for photography canada

We made these sweet little buttons for PhotoED to give out as a custom souvenirs to all the participants. These are custom 7/8" buttons, the smallest button available, which are great for souvenirs because they are super wearable. People are more likely to pin these to a bag or jacket and not take them off. 

Taking place in Toronto, the event included learning how to lead a photo walk with Project Kids and Cameras, learning about products from FujiFilm and Flixel, a tour of various Toronto galleries and more! 

If you are an educator in the Toronto-area, you can find out more about the awesome day here. Make sure you get on the list to be part of the next event. 

If you aren’t an educator or in Toronto, but want to take in some amazing photography, be sure to check out PhotoED magazine. Following them on Instagram, Facebook  and Twitter will fill your feeds with some remarkable photography.