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Hand Made Rosettes for use with prong back buttons

Hand Made Rosettes for use with prong back buttons

Button Giant

Regular price $25.52
Regular price Sale price $25.52
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These rosettes are hand made in Canada using the highest quality materials and are more expensive than the imported rosettes. These rosettes have a softer fuller, plush feel and are excellent quality.

Rosettes are used for many purposes but particularly schools, colleges and universities and in the award industry.  Horse shows and dog shows as well as an array of public events use rosettes or award buttons as rewards and tokens of appreciation.

To make a rosette button you need a button maker and prong back button parts.  The rosettes come with a cardboard back with holes for the prongs.  Push the prongs through the holes and flatten the prongs to hold the rosette onto the button.

We stock rosettes in red, blue and white.  Rosettes can be made in 50 different colours so call us if your award job requires a particular color. Stock rosettes can ship today! Custom colours will take up to 4 weeks.

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