John Deinfenbaker buttons

A Look at Former Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker | Custom Buttons Saskatchewan

While so much focus in the news is on the upcoming federal election and the drama surrounding current Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, the face of a former PM came through the shop, via some buttons we got to make for the Diefenbaker Canada Centre in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

deifenbaker centre

The Right Honourable John G. Diefenbaker was prime minister of Canada from 1957 to 1963. Canada's 13th prime minister was a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, is buried near his alma mater and bequeathed many of his personal items to the school so it only seems fitting that the University of Saskatechewan is home to the Diefenbaker Canada Centre

The DCC houses those personal items, but is also a larger celebration of a united Canada that is strengthened by its diversity, which was Diefenbaker's dream. Its mandate is to build on this legacy by celebrating citizenship, leadership, human rights and Canada’s role in the international community.

The centre hosts various exhibits throughout the year and offers free admission so that everyone can access them. Buttons are part of the artifacts house at the DCC (there are some visible in the image of an exhibit below) as buttons and politics have long gone hand-in-hand. 

"I have but one love, Canada. One purpose, its greatness…one aim, unity from the Atlantic to the Pacific." - R. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker

These new buttons we've made for the DCC are both a throwback to old campaign buttons and a tribute to the man they helped to elect. 

 custom buttons saskatchewan

Fun Fact: The DCC is also home to the Little Stone Schoolhouse, a historic building that was actually Saskatechwan's first school and public building. It was built in 1887 and visitors take a look inside and travel back in time. 

If you have a trip to or through Saskatechewan planned, be sure to hit up the DCC to learn more about Diefenbaker, Saskatchewan and Canada. 

diefenbaker centre university of saskatchewan

Find Out More About the Diefenbaker Canada Centre


Instagram: @diefcentre

Facebook: @diefenbakercentre

Twitter: @DiefCentre

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