FLEX1000 and FLEX2000 Hobby Button Maker Manuals Now Available Online
If you have a FLEX1000 or FLEX2000 hobby button maker and have lost the instruction manual that was sent with your start-up kit, don't worry! You can now download the instruction manual for each model here.
Download the FLEX1000 Instruction Manual (No Rings) here.
Download the FLEX2000 Instruction Manual here.
Just a note about any reference to rings. Our newer models don't require the plastic rings so if you see any reference to them, but you never received the rings, don't worry. Your version of the machine does not use plastic rings. Not sure, give us a call and we can help you out.
Keep it paperless and access online whenever you need it or print it out if you'd like a tangible copy. The choice is now yours.
Even if you don't have one of our all-metal FLEX machines you can take a peek to walk through the steps and see how it works!
And for the visual folks out there, here are the Button Guy videos showing you the FLEX1000 and FLEX2000 button makers in action. See how both hobby pin machines work: