pretty wedding party gifts

Upcycle Inspiration: Pocket Mirrors made with Portraits from Vintage Books

We love the idea of upcycling and are always looking for ways to give new life to stuff with a little help from our button makers. So we've been at it again and love the result. Hope you do too!


Handmade Pocket Mirror Made with Button Machine Upcycled Vintage Book

We have lots of old library books here that we use to make upcycled notebooks, but what to do with the pages we remove from these books? Well, this time we collected images of women from vintage books to make fun and pretty pocket mirrors

Paired with blue velvet carrying bags something old instantly became new again - and practical, which is even better! 

Given the way they are made, we just have a few in our Toronto store. Each mirror is truly one of a kind so get yours before they disappear! This is a great item to carry in your bag so you can stay on top of your look on the go. 

Great Gift Idea for Mother's Day and Wedding Bridal Parties!

These vintage portrait pocket mirrors (with bag included) also make a great and affordable gift. Mother's Day will soon be here, hint hint. Wedding coming up? Custom mirrors make perfect and personal bridal party gifts. 

Upcycled Vintage Book Button Pocket Mirror Birth of Venus

What is Upcycling Anyway?

Upcycling is the process of finding creative ways to reuse stuff instead of throwing it away. You keep stuff out of the landfill longer while also reducing the need to create new items with new raw materials.

We cut out the image in the old books that were going to be discarded and pressed with mylar into the 2-1/4" round button maker. Supplies for pocket/purse mirrors are available in the following shapes and sizes:

Round - 2-1/4" / 2-1/2" / 3" / 3-1/2"

Oval - 1-3/4" x 2-3/4" 

Rectangle - 2" x 3" / 2-1/2" x 3-1/2" 

Don't have a button maker, but like the idea for a different image? We can make custom mirrors for you too, with or without the velvet drawstring bags. Or you can rent a button maker from our Toronto store to either make mirrors in our maker space or to take off site!










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