Welcome to Our New Store!

After spending the past few years in Toronto’s fantastic Junction neighbourhood, we’ve expanded! Same location, but we now have a storefront with workshop space to offer more button-related fun!

The Liberators,  helped us celebrate during our soft launch party on July 18, with lots of button making musical jam sessions and performances. It was a hot day, but so much fun. Thanks to all who joined us!

 New Store Front - People Power Press


Parking and Entrance Changes


3095 Dundas St. West - The Junction. People Power Press

Our regular (and super awesome) sales staff will now greet you at the front entrance of 3095 Dundas St. W for all pick-ups and visits. Just look for the bubble gum pink building between Clendenan Ave. and Quebec Ave. You can’t miss us : )

Rear laneway access and parking is now for staff and deliveries only, but plenty of parking is available nearby. There is Green P parking on Dundas St. W. and lots of FREE parking on any of the side streets East, West, and North of us : ) If you have a large order and need help loading it into your vehicle, come to the store front first and we’ll happily help you out from there.
For health and safety reasons, we cannot let you walk through the factory space to get to the new store front. So, if you do go to the back door, you will be asked to walk around the block to the front. This will be an inconvenient transition for many of you and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation : )

New Hours – We are Open Saturdays!

Having a new storefront space means we also have new hours. In addition to our regular hours during the week, our store is open Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. We are not open Sundays.

That means you can now pick up your orders on the weekend. You can also give us a call to place new orders and get a real person on the line to help you with any other customer service needs you might have. Or come by in person to pick up supplies and make your own buttons at our new work stations.

As usual, if you have hard deadlines and just want to drop in to pick up supplies, please call a week in advance to make sure we have enough stock on hand (or can have it sent over) before you come to pick up your order.

Shipping, Design, and Custom Button Production Services are only available Mon-Fri unless a special arrangement has been made in advance.

Make Something Different with In-Store Button Maker Rentals

Our storefront is a bright space with work tables so you can use any of our hand presses, for any size or shape, and just rent by the hour without the hassle of putting a hold on your credit card or having to lug the machine home and back again. This is especially great if you want to make a variety of items, but don’t necessarily want to buy all the machines to do it. There are so many things our machines can make: necklaces, bracelets, square, oval or rectangle buttons, magnets, and more!

Maker Space Memberships coming soon!

Make-A-Button Stations and Packs

Make-A-Button stations are set up so kids (and kids at heart) can drop in and make a button or two using artwork and art supplies already set out for you. You can pay per button and collect stamps to earn free buttons as you go! Or you can purchase prepaid button making cards, drop in whenever you want, and leave your pocket book at home : )

Give the gift of Make-A-Button with prepackaged Make-A-Button packs. The packs include artwork and supplies so all they have to do is bring the package in and we’ll show them how to do the rest : )

Birthday Parties and Workshops

We love running button making events in and around the city, but until now we have never had the space to run events at our location. Now we can! If you would like to have a birthday party or other special event, please contact our Events Team for more details about creating a special custom event for that special day.

We will also be running fun design and button-making workshops throughout the year so be sure to connect with us through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the newsletter and blog for more details about what we’ve got planned. (Psst…we will be soon announcing plans for a spooktacular Hallowe’en button making event!)

Create and Print Your Own Designs In-Store

We also soon have a computer station set-up with our templates and button design programs so you can design and print off your own unique designs here in store. We will show you how it works and then it is up to you what you create!

These are just some of the exciting new things we have planned for our new store space.
Stay tuned as we roll out more great stuff. We can’t wait to share it all with you!


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