button maker unboxing video

See the Joy of Getting a New Button Maker Kit from People Power Press | Button Maker Unboxing Videos

We totally understand the joys of getting a new button maker and it is something we see often here in our stores when someone picks out a kit and gets ready to take it home. 

But it is kind of hard to explain to someone on the fence about button making. So we were thrilled when one of our customers Alex decided to create an unboxing video for her brand new button maker kit. 

What is an unboxing video you ask. It is pretty much what it says and YouTube is full of them. People recording their reaction to opening up their new purchase so that you can see along with them what they got and how they feel about it all.

Unboxing videos are a big deal and this article of The Joys of Unboxing Videos breaks down what is so satisfying about them.

As for Alex, we are so grateful that she decided to record this reveal of her opening up her new 1-inch Standard Button Maker Kit. And we are even more excited to see what she creates with her new button press. Judging by her other videos on her channel, she is crafty and artistic. She will make great use of her new button maker. 

To follow Alex, you can find her here:

YouTube Channel: Alex's Art and Journal Journey 

Inspired to Get Your Own Button Maker? 

We have the largest selection of button maker sizes and kits available so it can be overwhelming, but we are here to help!

You can visit one of our locations in Ottawa, Toronto or Napanee or you can contact us by phone or email. We are friendly folks who want to guide you to getting the right button maker for you. 


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