Ontario #StudentsSayNo Student Walk Out on April 4th | How to Make Protest Buttons
If you are regular readers of this blog, you know we mention the button's strong history of being a tool of politics and protest.
Well, there does seem to be a strong wave of button activism happening right now. And next week will be another opportunity for buttons to be part of a protest as students across Ontario walk out of their classrooms on April 4th to protest changes in education happening in the province's schools.
Some of the changes being made by Premier Doug Ford's government that are under protest include the banning of cell phones from schools, mandatory e-learning, larger class sizes, reduced staffing levels and the reduced funding or cutting of various programs and initiatives, including the Ontario Autism Program and Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).
If you are looking for more information about the planned walk out and what is being protested, you can find out more from the official #StudentsSayNo organizing team. They have resources and information for anyone wishing to take part or organize a local protest. They also have active Instagram and Facebook pages where the conversation around education changes is happening in real time.
You can also follow and use the hashtag #cutshurtkids to join the conversation.
Now if you are planning on being part of this student protest, or another, and are thinking of including buttons, we can help.
Here's how to make buttons for your protest:
1. We make them for you. You can submit your designs, which can be as simple as the one shown here, to us and we can make your buttons for you super fast in time for April 4th.
2. Use your school's button maker. See if your school or another local school already has a button maker and use it to get making buttons for the walk out. If you need to purchase supplies, find out what kind of button maker the school has before you contact us and then we can hook you up with all the parts you need to make them!
3. Rent our button makers. If you are students from Ottawa or Toronto, you can come into one of our stores to rent our button makers and make your own buttons. You can use the machines in our store space or you can rent the machine for a day or two out of store.
Start designing your protest buttons using our templates, with free online design programs like Canva and Button Designer.
If you have any questions or need any help with your protest buttons, reach out to us please. We are here to help!
Related Reading
Campaign Buttons the Original Twitter? A Look Back at Election Buttons
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